フリーメンバーでROBIN SNSを登録した場合、Walletとアカウントは紐づけがされていません。
GREENBOX Walletは、取得したCPをGBTに交換する為に必要です。
最初にGEENBOX Walletに新規登録後、あなたのSNSアカウントと紐づける必要があります。
When registering ROBIN SNS as a free member, the wallet and the account are not tied.GREENBOX Wallet is necessary to exchange the acquired CP with GBT.
After registering for GEENBOX Wallet for the first time, you need to associate it with your SNS account.
Click "Create / Register" in the lower red frame of the login screen.
②FREE MEMBER IDとROBIN SNSに登録したメールアドレスを入力します。
Enter the FREE MEMBER ID and the e-mail address registered in ROBIN SNS.
If there is no error in the input contents, it switches to the screen where you logged in to the wallet, and at the same time as logging in, you will receive an e-mail with login ID (e-mail address) and login password in the registered e-mail address.
※次のログインからは、REP MEMBER同様、このメールアドレスとログインパスワードでログインが可能となります。
From the next login, as with REP MEMBER, you can log in with this email address and login perspective.
Since the wallet address has not been issued at the time of logging in for the first time, it is necessary to set up two-step authentication before issuing the wallet.
Click here for the two-step authentication setting method
After completing Two step authentication setup, click "+ Create Wallet" to create a wallet.
In order to make the created wallet available, you need to have the RIA coin sent from another already active wallet.
Activation of Wallet requires 20RIA coin.
However, with 20RIA coins alone, we can not pay Fee when sending coins, so we recommend that you hold more than 21RIA coins in Wallet.
For sending Fee, 0.001 RIA is required per transmission.