送金時にMemo Tag入力を忘れた場合
~Remedy when forgetting "Memo Tag" input~
If there is no mistake in remittance processing, the TRIAM token and XRP will be reflected in the account within about 1 minute. ETH is reflected time due to transaction congestion.
1. メニューより「Request Deposit」を選択します。
Select "Request Deposit" from the menu.
2. 上記画面に切り替われば、各項目を入力していきます。
After switching to the screen above, I will input each item.
Select currency remitted
・Memo Tag:すでに記載されているので入力は不要
Since we have already explained it is unnecessary to enter
Enter transaction ID when remitting. Depending on the currency, the method of confirming the transaction ID and the confirmation destination will differ. For details on how to check TransactionID, please click here.
・Description:反映されない理由「Memo Tagの入力を忘れた」等を記載
Describe the reason why it is not reflected "I forgot to enter Memo Tag" etc.
Photo shoot and upload money transfer history
3. 情報が入力できれば、Sendをタップし回答を待ちます。
If you can enter information, wait for a reply at Send.