For inheritance of "qualified REP", it is necessary for the registrant of this month (from 1st to the last day) to pay the amount after 2 months by the 20th day of the next month.Registrant of this month will be eligible for the current month and the following month.
Ex) For July registrant
SYSTEM management update cost for September,If you pay by August 20, qualification will be continued in September.
With this rule application, the qualifying period is applied as follows for the "REP member" currently being registered.
●7月のみ有資格の場合→ 7月、8月が有資格となります
For July only qualified person → July and August become qualified person
●7月、8月が有資格の場合→ 7月、8月、9月が有資格となります
If July and August are qualified people → July, August, September will be qualified
●年払い済の場合→ 有資格期間が1カ月間延長されます
If you have already paid for one year → Eligibility period will be extended for one month
This rule is applicable from July 2018.
For details of the deadline time, please check here.