Only qualified REP (with bonus acquisition right) can be used.
有資格REP IDでバックオフィスにログインすると、メニューにExpansion(ポジション増設)が表示されています。
(2018.07.18 日本時間15時より機能追加)
When you log in to the back office with a qualified REP ID, Expansion (position expansion) is displayed in the menu.(New function added after 3 pm on July 18, 2018)
但しツリー図での、Left Sideにポジションを増設する場合はLeftSideに存在する直上者IDの入力が必要です。
Right Sideにポジションを増設する場合はRight Sideに存在する直上者IDの入力が必要です。
As for the position to be added, it is possible to designate any position as usual.
However, when adding positions to the Left Side in the tree diagram, it is necessary to enter the directly-in-person ID that exists in LeftSide.
When adding positions to Right Side, it is necessary to enter the directly-in-person ID that exists in Right Side.
Additionally, up to a total of 26 positions can be added with one operation. There is no limit on the number of operations.
Left(Right) side追加ポジション数
・Left (Right)sideに存在する直上者IDのこと
Left (Right) side Additional position number
・The number of positions you want to add
ID immediately above
・The ID just above the left (right) side
・Select Left or Right of ID just above entered
例えば、Right sideにポジションを追加したい場合は、Left sideのポジション数を0にします。For example, if you want to add a position to the Right side, set the Left side position number to 0.
・It is not necessary to match the left and right quantity.For example, it is possible to sort such as 【5P:10P】【1:25】【0:3】.
・Only IDs existing on the left and right below the introduction position can be specified directly
・When you designate ID immediately above, if it is already registered, it will be installed at the back.
・Always specify the directly above person ID.However, it is not possible to designate the introduction position as an immediate supervisor ID.Therefore, if you want to place it in the far left and the back from the introducer, by setting the right and left ID of the introducer to the directly above person and setting the left and right, it is arranged in the rightmost back and the leftmost back seen from the introducer
・Even if you designate a person directly above the introducer, you can always designate left and right instead of 【right】.
Since introducer is login ID, there is no item for introducer introduction.
After entering necessary information and clicking "confirm", a popup about TRIAM login is displayed.
TRIAMにログインすると、2段階認証入力画面が表示されますので、2段階認証コードをご入力ください。Make sure the input content is correct and enter the login password of TRIAM.When you log in to TRIAM, the screen for entering 2 step verification appears, please enter 2 step verification code.
The required quantity of GBT will be sent automatically.After completing GBT transmission, please confirm that GreenBoxID and password will be sent to the registered mail address.The GBT quantity required for 1 position is 320 GBT which is the same as ordinary registration.
・配置について(About placement)
Positions added by adding positions are arranged continuously as shown in the figure.If "ID immediately above" is specified on the right side, it will be placed contiguously on the right side.If "ID immediately above" is specified on the left side, it will be placed contiguously on the left side.
・資格について(About qualification)
The added position is treated the same as the set such as "5P13P25P", and the main position qualification is maintained by updating.