You can exchange GBT contents (GBT → ETHT · ARM COIN).
When you click "EXCHANGE" on the menu bar, the following contents are displayed.
The way of view is as follows.
・左 :1ETHTの通常GBTレート
・中央 :1ETHTの特別GBTレート
・Yellow frame : The rate of each token is displayed
・Left : 1 ETHT normal GBT rate
・Central : 1 ETHT special GBT rate
・Right : 1 ARMCOIN GBT rate
Purchases are made from within the red frame.
・From :交換に出すトークン(手放すトークン)を選択
・Amount :交換に出すトークンの数量入力(1から入力可)
・To :交換後の受け取るトークンを選択
・Amount after exchange:受け取るトークンの数量が自動反映
※Amount after exchangeに表示される数量は手数料2%差引後の数量
・From: Select a token to give out to exchanges (hands-to-go token)
・Amount: Quantity input of token to be exchanged (can be input from 1)
・To: Select token to receive after replacement
・Amount after exchange: Automatically reflects the quantity of tokens to receive
※The quantity displayed in Amount after exchange is the commission 2% after the amount subtracted
When you finish entering, click "Next" and proceed.
Enter the wallet address to receive the token exchanged for the red frame.
「Check if send address and receiving address are the same」に☑を入れることで自動反映されます
※When processing the token exchanged with the token to be exchanged with the same wallet, it is automatically reflected by placing ☑ in "Check if send address and receiving address are the same"
If there is no problem, click "Next" and proceed to the next.
※If you want to redo the input, click "Back" to return to the input screen.
The confirmation screen will be displayed.
・Sell :交換に出すトークン
・Buy :受け取るトークン
・Amount after exchange:受け取るトークンの数量
・Receiving address:トークンを受け取るウォレットアドレス
・Sell : Token to be exchanged
・Amount: Quantity of token to be exchanged
・Buy : token to receive
・Amount after exchange: Quantity of tokens to receive
・Receiving address : Wallet address to receive token
If there is no problem, click "Next" and proceed to the next.
※If you want to redo the input, click "Back" to return to the input screen.
Enter "two step verification code" of the remittance side ARM wallet.
If there is no problem click "Confirm" to complete the exchange.
※ If you want to redo, click "Back" to return to the input screen.
When "Confirm" is clicked, Success is displayed and immediate exchange is completed.