~How to read the site menu~
The menu bar is located at the top right of the site.
【拡大図(Enlarged view)】
From the left
①BUY :イーサリアムでGBTを購入することができる
②EXCHANGE :GBTのエクスチェンジを行うことができる
④HISTORY :購入等の履歴を確認することができる
① BUY : You can purchase GBT at the Etherium.
② EXCHANGE : It is possible to exchange GBT
③ WITHDRAW : Make a withdrawal from the Enterprise Wallet
④HISTORY : You can check the history of purchase etc.
ログアウトは、右端のGreenBox IDから行います
Log out from GreenBox ID on the far right
注意:EXCHANGE、WITHDRAWを行う場合は、必ずARM Wallet内のコイン数量を事前に確認してから行う。
Caution: When executing EXCHANGE, WITHDRAW, be sure to check the quantity of coins in the ARM wallet beforehand.
If the coin quantity is insufficient, an operation error will result.